Glen Burnie
Outdoor Ice Skating
Birthday Parties
- Birthday Party with the use of half of the Tented Pavillion
- $16.00 per person with a 6-person minimum. 1:50 minute time.
- There are tables and benches in the Tented Pavillion.
- Tickets are required only for Ice Skaters. Ice Skate rentals are included.
- Please call for reservations at 410-590-5990
Private and Corporate Parties
- Available Sundays from 7:15 pm-9:15 pm, If ACPSchools are in the next day.
- The cost is $600.00 including skate rentals for up to 100 skaters. $5.00 for each additional skater. Limit of 150 guests.
- Call or stop by the Skate Shop to reserve a date. 410-590-5990